Milky Way Above Joshua Tree NP - 8

Joshua Tree National Park is located in southern California at the junction of two distinct desert ecosystems, the Mojave and the Colorado. The Park's namesake, the Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia), is an odd looking, prickly agave growing to a maximum height of 15 m (49 ft).The trees appear in surreal silhouette against the dark night skies of the Park.

In the image above, the summer Milky Way is seen above the iconic trees of Joshua Tree National Park. It includes some of the brighter summer constellations including Scorpius, andSagittarius. The planet Jupiter is the brightest 'star' near the center of the frame.

Technical Details

Milky Way Above Joshua Tree National Park

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Milky Way Above
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Milky Way Above
Joshua Tree NP - 7

Milky Way Above
Joshua Tree NP - 8

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